Historical Educational Bias Against Girls?

Boys And Girls
Boys And Their Toys The
boisterous play that was once an accepted feature of boys' behaviour is now
ruthlessly curbed by a feminist-inspired thought police. Dylan Evans
Some of the feminist-type comments following the article point out that the
educational system used to be biased in favour of the boys and, in my view, this
was true.
Certainly, when I was a lad, boys were more so encouraged to do well at
school than were the girls. This was the case not only at school but also in the
And quite right too!
After all, most girls had no interest in doing the awful jobs that most men
had to do in order to earn a living, and they were not particularly expected to
do them.
Furthermore, it was a waste of time and resources to train girls to do jobs
that they were not likely to do, nor wanted to do.
Most girls hoped to fall in love with a man who had a
fairly decent job,
Most girls hoped to fall in love with a man who had a fairly decent job, and
they wanted to be mothers and housewives.
In my own household, my sister was one such girl and, indeed, after some two
or three years of work (at the BBC!) she met a man whom she wanted to marry and
- despite my parents' mild opposition - she did just this.
If I had told my mother, however, that my aim in life was to
marry a woman with a good job and to be a house-husband, she would have had a
heart attack - and then she would have nagged me and nagged me for months on end
until I had changed my mind.

Indeed, my education was hugely important to my mother.
My sister's education was less important both to my mother
and to my sister.
In other words, the bias towards boys when it came to 'education' (perhaps
better translated as 'achievement in the workplace') came as much from women
as from anywhere else.
Here is an example of women promoting their own idea of womanhood in
the very popular Woman's Weekly magazine of 1969 ...

Quite clearly, in the eyes of the women who produced this magazine -
and of those who bought it by the million - girls cooked.
So, please do not fall for all this persistent feminist man-hating
nonsense that women were unfairly kept out of the workplace.
They didn't want to be in the workplace. They wanted to be at home.
And most of them, probably, still feel the same way; despite the
ubiquitous feminist propaganda telling them to feel otherwise.
Furthermore, should you bother to investigate the usual comments by
feminists on matters to do with education, you will find that they
persistently claim
that the past biases in the educational system were responsible for the girls
not achieving as much as the boys, but they will deny that such biases are now
operating against the boys.
In other words, when the girls do not do as well as the boys, the feminists
will tell you that the system is at fault, but when the boys do not do as well
as the girls then the fault lies with the boys themselves.
And the general feminist scam is this.
If the males do better than the females (in any given sphere) then the
feminists will say that the system (the 'environment') is at fault. But if the
females do better than the males (in any given sphere) then the feminists will
say that the system (the 'environment') has no bearing on the issue, and,
further, that the males themselves are at fault.
Boys To Be Taught Netball And Dancing
Boys To Be Taught Netball And Dancing Schools have been told to encourage boys to play netball and take dance lessons in the name of
Thousands of schools are being forced to ensure that pupils are more
"gender balanced" as part of discrimination legislation introduced
this year.
They must also ensure more girls study traditionally masculine subjects
such as science, while increasing numbers of boys take options such as drama or
In other words, having failed - despite
having spent millions - to seduce enough girls into taking up more
science-oriented subjects, the feminists and their poodle boys in the
educational establishments have now decided to scupper the boys - and, hence, the
entire country - in these most important of areas.
Over and over again, we see irrefutable
evidence (e.g. see my piece Well Done the Girls?)
that demonstrates that the over-riding aim of the feminist-controlled
educational establishment is always to disadvantage the boys regardless of the
cost to everyone else - including the girls.
If you cannot get
more girls to do science, then you must get more boys to do dancing
In a nutshell: If you cannot get more girls
to do science, then you must get more boys to do dancing - or else you will be
charged with discriminating against the girls.